Black on Black PredationRacismSlavery

Myron Pitts; Descendant of Slavers?

Fayetteville, N.C. –

Well, well, well….isn’t this interesting….

First let’s establish where the “Pitts” family hail from;

Source: “My dad, whose younger brother, Wayne, and his wife, Earline, came from Georgia, was one of four, the son of Gladys Pitts and the late Rev. Otis Pitts in Valdosta, Ga.” ~Myron Pitts, “Pitts: Surprise celebration marks parents’ 50th wedding anniversary”, Dec 4, 2013

Okay, Georgia….got it. Now let’s do a little research on some of the largest slave holders|owners in Georgia.

And what have we here? Most certainly a relative: PITTS, Samuel, 58 slaves, District 934, page 233B ~ HARRIS COUNTY, GEORGIA, LARGEST SLAVEHOLDERS FROM 1860 SLAVE CENSUS SCHEDULES and SURNAME MATCHES FOR AFRICAN AMERICANS ON 1870 CENSUS Transcribed by Tom Blake, February, 2002

Could it be that this is the ancestral namesake for your son/uncle?

Source: “Finally, my uncle Sam, co-namesake for my son,…” ~Myron Pitts, “Pitts: Surprise celebration marks parents’ 50th wedding anniversary”, Dec 4, 2013

And yet another relative? JONES COUNTY GA WILL OF PITTS, John – 1853, LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF JOHN PITTS – [In relevant parts]
Second. Whereas I have heretofore given to my daughter Martha H. Blount wife of David E. Blount of said county four negroes to wit Feriba, Peggy, Toby and George valued by me at the sum of thirteen hundred dollars, also a promisory note on Peyton T. Pitts for two thousand three hundred and eighty three dollars, also Fifty acres of land situate in said county adjoining other lands of the said David E. Blount and Thomas Hogan and valued by me at the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars and also stock to the value of one hundred dollars amounting in the aggregate to four thousand and thirty three dollars, which said negroes, promisory note, land and stock I have heretofore delivered to the said David E. Blount and I hereby confirm the title of said negroes, promisory note, land and stock to the said David E. Blount absolutely and forever.

Third. Whereas I have heretofore given to my son Dauphin L. Pitts six negroes to wit Arnold, James, Mick, Hasty, Geeasy and Vina valued by me at at [sic]three thousand and three hundred and fifty dollars, also money, stock and other property to the amount of three hundred and fifty dollars and have permitted him to have the use and occupancy of the land I purchased of John Drury situate in said county for and during the present year jointly with Aurelia W. Gibson for his part of the rent at seventy dollars, amounting in the aggregate to the sum of three thousand seven hundred and seventy dollars($3770) I hereby confirm the title of said negroes, money, stock and property so delivered unto the said Dauphin L. Pitts absolutely and forever, …

Fourth. Whereas I have heretofore given to my daughter, Ann Maria Gibson wife of Aurelias W. Gibson seven negroes to wit: Moses, Tom, Isaac, Silvey,  Sipe, Sarah and Walter valued by me at three thousand four hundred dollars $3400 and stock provisions and other property to the amount of four hundred dollars and have permitted said Aurelias W. Gibson to have the use and occupancy  of the land purchased by me of John Drury situate in said county for the present year jointly with my Son Dauphin L. Pitts at seventy dollars for his part of the rent of the same the present year amounting in the aggregate to the sum of three thousand and eight hundred and seventy dollars ($3870) which said negroes stock provisions and other property I have heretofore delivered to the said Aurelias W. Gibson & I hereby confirm the title of said negroes, stock provisions and other personal property so delivered unto the said unto the said Aurelias W. Gibson absolutely and forever. I further direct that my said daughter Ann Marie Gibson receive out of my Estate or other effects most suitable to her the sum of one hundred and sixty three dollars to make her equal to the amount received by my daughter Martha H. Blount and that the said Aurelias W. Gibson pay no other rent for said land the present year.

Fifth. I will and direct that before any general divison of my Estate shall take place that there be first set apart and seperated from my Estate a sufficient amount of negroes, money or other effects to consist principally of negroes as will make the sum of twenty thousand one hundred and sixty five dollars which I will and bequeath  unto my five other children, namely Elizabeth R. Pitts, Marietta T. Pitts, Ira P. Pitts, John M. Pitts, and Archibald N. Pitts …

Sixth. And I hereby vest in my Executors herein afer named the power to purchase such lands or other property as may be necessary for the purpose of keeping and working the negroes that shall fall to and become the property of said five youngest children under the provisions of this my last will and testament together…

Oh dear, it doesn’t appear that the Pitts family was too concerned with “freeing” any Black slaves. Oh no, not at all. And don’t forget that these are BLACK slave holders|owners.

Oh, and yet two more Black Pitts, most certainly ancestors of Myron Pitts,  who owned slaves AND BRAGGED ABOUT IT!;

“In 1853 John Jack Pitts died he was the brother of Peyton T Pitts who also had many slaves.” ~ The Pitts family connection, May 17, 2011, []

Come to think of it…do you Mr. Pitts really have the moral standing to even be speaking on this issue as the descendant of SLAVERS? It’s beyond me how the Fayetteville Observer can even tolerate you being on their staff.

Wow Mr. Pitts….looks to me like you and your family have a LOT of explaining to do….and tell us….when are you going to pay those reparations…..slaver?

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